Discover How To Avoid Bunion Surgery at Birtley Foot Clinic, Birtley, Gateshead

Conveniently located off the A1(M)

29 Harraton Terrace, Birtley, DH3 2QG

Free car park to the rear of the clinic

Download Your FREE Bunion Information Pack:

"6 Secrets on How to Stop Bunion Pain & Slow Their Growth"

Click the button below to get your FREE Report

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Your bunion gets bigger each year?

  • You’re finding it harder and harder to find nice or comfortable shoes?

  • You're worried that you'll need bunion surgery?

  • You experience pain in your bunion whenever you walk or run.

  • Are you concerned that you'll end up with feet like your grandmother?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you're not alone. At Birtley Foot Clinic we hear stories like this every single day and we know EXACTLY how to help you

Birtley Foot Clinic

Birtley, Gateshead

Still Confused About How We Can Help Banish Your Bunions? Take Us Up On One Of Our FREE Options

#1 Option (👍 most popular)

#2 Option - Send Us a Message

#3 Option - Book Appointment

What Are Bunions?

At Birtley Foot Clinic , we treat bunions on a weekly basis and understand that it's a common issue that our patients worry about.

We hear from our patients that they don't want to end up with terrible bunions like their grandmother or aunt and be forced to wear ugly shoes or undergo ineffective surgery.

We completely understand these worries, which is why we've created a Free Information Pack with tips you can start using right away to help alleviate your bunion pain.

As foot experts with years of experience, we know that developing a bunion can be a scary experience, and we're here to help.

Frustrated With Your Bunion Pain?

Not sure who to ask?

Not sure what to do next?

Not sure who can help?

Please fill out the form below and chat with one of our team members about your right next step

The Birtley Foot Clinic Bunion Relief Programme

Step 1 - Comprehensive Bunion Examination

Our experienced and knowledgeable therapists will examine :

  • Your foot range of movement

  • Your joints alignment

  • The quality of movement in feet

  • Your muscle strength and tone

This process will help identify exactly what is causing your bunions.

Step 2 - Customised Treatment Plan

The team at Birtley Foot Clinic are experts in bunions.

We use the latest medical research and technology to produce a bespoke treatment plan to get you back fit and active doing all the tings that your bunions is stopping you doing.

Step 3 - Recovery

Each treatment aims to gently and progressively get your feet moving again without pain, as quickly as possible, to allow you to get back to normal and start doing the things you love.

We will give you a structured rehabilitation exercise programme, to help break the cycle and prevent the problem from returning.

Is The Bunion Treatment Programme Right For You?

  • Our team of podiatrist at Birtley Foot Clinic are experts in treating bunions, helping 1000's of patients get back to walking and running with relief from bunion pain.

  • Here’s just a few of the things our podiatrist team can do for you:

  • We can tell you on Day ONE “what you have, why you have it, and how to get rid of it”

  • We can help you find out what’s really going on, and get to the root cause of your bunions once and for all – often inside 20 minutes

  • We can help you to enjoy living with more energy each day

  • We can help you put an end to taking all of those painkillers that are no good for your health long-term

  • We can help you avoid surgery – and painful injections

  • We can help you keep out of the doctor’s waiting room or from making repeat visits only to be given more pills!

  • We can help you get back to enjoying quality time with family and friends that bunions has stolen from you

  • We can help you keep active and live a full life free from the curse of bunions.

What's next? You've got a decision to make - another month gone by without solving your bunions problem, or are you ready to get back to doing the things you love?

Is Your Bunion Slowing You Down? Take Us Up on One of Our Free Options

Option #1 (👍 most popular)

Option #2

From Consultation to Treatment

What to Expect at Your First Podiatry Visit

We're excited to see you at your appointment! We want to make sure you feel comfortable and well-informed, so don't hesitate to ask us any questions about our treatments, our clinic, or even our payment options. Our goal is to help you get back to living your life free of pain, so let's work together to make that happen!

  • Discuss your foot health goals

  • Assist Organise x-rays if required

  • Complete foot examination

  • Discover your options

  • Start a custom treatment plan

4 Reasons To Choose Birtley Foot Clinic

  • Specialised Expertise: Our clinic offers specialised care from highly-trained podiatrist in various fields like sports rehab and chronic pain management.

  • Comprehensive Approach: We provide holistic treatment plans combining manual therapy, exercises, and cutting-edge technology for a well-rounded approach.

  • Cutting-Edge Facilities: Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced equipment to support patients' recovery.

  • Proven Track Record: Our clinic's reputation is built on successful patient outcomes and positive feedback, fostering a supportive environment for rehabilitation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bunions and Treatments Available

What is a bunion?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe. It occurs when the big toe pushes against the adjacent toe, causing the joint to stick out and become painful and swollen.

What causes bunions?

Bunions can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, wearing tight or ill-fitting shoes, foot injuries, and certain foot conditions such as flat feet or arthritis. It can also be aggravated by activities that put pressure on the toes, such as ballet or sports.

Are bunions hereditary?

Yes, bunions can be hereditary. If you have a family history of bunions, you may have an increased risk of developing them.

Can bunions be treated without surgery?

Yes, non-surgical treatments are available for bunions. These include wearing comfortable shoes with a wide toe box, using bunion pads or cushions to relieve pressure, applying ice to reduce pain and swelling, and taking over-the-counter pain medications. Custom orthotics or shoe inserts can also help in providing support and alleviating symptoms.

When is surgery necessary for bunions?

Surgery is typically considered as a last resort when non-surgical treatments fail to relieve the pain and discomfort caused by bunions. It may be recommended if the bunion is severe, causing significant pain, interfering with daily activities, or leading to other foot problems.

What does bunion surgery involve?

Bunion surgery, also known as a bunionectomy, involves the removal or realignment of the bony bump and the correction of any deformities in the toe joint. The specific procedure will depend on the severity of the bunion and the individual's unique circumstances.

What is the recovery time after bunion surgery?

The recovery time can vary depending on the type of bunion surgery performed and the individual's healing process. Generally, it can take several weeks to months to fully recover. During this time, it's important to follow post-operative instructions, wear proper footwear, and engage in any recommended rehabilitation exercises.

Can bunions come back after surgery?

In some cases, bunions can recur after surgery. However, the risk of recurrence can be minimised by following post-operative instructions, wearing appropriate footwear, and maintaining good foot health habits.

Can bunions be prevented?

While bunions may not be entirely preventable, certain measures can help reduce the risk of their development or slow down their progression. These include wearing comfortable and supportive shoes, avoiding high heels and narrow toe boxes, maintaining a healthy weight, and practicing foot exercises and stretches.

If you have specific concerns about bunions or require professional advice, it's recommended to consult with a podiatrist or orthopedic specialist who can provide a comprehensive evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment options based on your individual needs.

Frustrated With Your Bunion Pain?

Not sure who to ask?

Not sure what to do next?

Not sure who can help?

Please fill out the form below and chat with one of our team members about your right next step

Where To Find Birtley Foot Clinic

If you have any questions before scheduling an appointment or for general inquiries, please use the contact us button below. Our team will promptly reach out to assist you.

Opening Hours

Monday: 09.00 - 17.00

Tuesday: 09.00 - 17.00

Wednesday: 09.00 - 17.00

Thursday: 09.00 - 17.00

Friday: 09.00 - 17.00

Saturday: 09.00 - 17.00

Sunday: Closed

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